Friday, November 29, 2013

$70 Brew Stand (The Double Batch Stand) - Still Ghetto!

One thing about beer gear is it's hard to get rid of once you buy it. As I was admiring my accumulation I noticed I had emassed a five gallon rig and a ten gallon set up. I also realized I had an unused 35 gallon SS cooler not being used. It got me thinking about making two batches simultaneously. Could it be done?  How many hands and eyes would I need?  Could I do it with two burners and pump the water around as needed?

About the only hiccup is the HLT volume at sparge. A normal un-stubborn person would just but a third burner and call it a day. I want to see if it's realistic to pump the hot water into the HLT from the brew kettle deck. 

So a little about the design. It's obviously gravity fed to a point. The final resting place for the brew is in the kettles for boil, so I need to craft a lower tier. The ten gallon mash tun is on the left and the five gallon on the right. I believe I could do parallel tens if the grain was right for the smaller mash tun. 

With some learning points in design from ghetto stand 1, I fixed some height issues in this mod to allow for easier grain stirring. Both cooler mash tuns can easily be peered into by anyone over 5'7. I want to install a hop shelf just above my helpers head, in the slot between the igloo and the HLT tower. 

Leveling this was easier this time as I finally realized the cement slopes to the lake just like most greens do on a golf course. I had to permanently install this contraption in this location and level using one-inch inserts on the right side of the build. It's level. Lastly, I set it's 'ghetto-ness' on treated 2x4's for a better base over time. The roof of the patio will keep the weather off the stand but boil overs and rinse offs will continue to dampen the wood. 

My final step is to plumb this thing for both propane and transfer tubing. I think a March pump is in order to assist with going uphill with the HLT water that will heat on the brew kettle deck. I think a third burner is inevitable. Finally, I want the wort chiller to drain ten or so feet into the rocks while providing a garden hose fitting on the structure so the drips and the leaks don't just run all over the wood. So $70 all in for this brew station. Let's light the fire and see how this is gonna work...

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