So it's been 20 years since I last destroyed a kitchen with extract and water trying to forge a drinkable home brew. I have no idea what triggered me to start again except the love of beer and creativity. It might have had something to do with my commute as well. I happen to drive by a small business in the very northwest tip of Arkansas called, "Hydro & Brew". I stopped in one day to see what progress the home brew world had made since 1993 when I last stirred the pot. Also curious was the name "Hydro" because where I grew up, California, the word hydro meant, "Indoor Grow" as in marijuana. Jennifer was manning the store and after a half hour reindoctrination to both industries I had whipped out the plastic and loaded the SUV with a complete home brew kit and the ingredients for an Imperial Blonde Ale.
The industry and technology had progressed to the point (according to Jennifer) where the finished (nano brew) product was indistinguishable from major label micro brews. Micro brews are no longer micro rather macro businesses with major commercial breweries supporting giant distribution chains around the world. But what is a nano brew? Well, it's less than a micro brew and a growing fad amongst home brew enthusiasts. Of course, a margin of error still exists and if the home brewer (zymurgists) falls short in key steps in the kitchen, the drink ability will be less than your buddies are expecting at the basement happy hour.
So why not? Let's fire up the stove and see if my son in law and I can get the temperatures right and make a drinkable Imperial Blonde Ale.
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